Toxicology Centre

MRA Teaching Faculty

Picture of Dr. Anders Branth Pedersen

Dr. Anders Branth Pedersen
Senior Researcher/Head of Section Dept. of Environmental Science/Environmental Social Science and Geography

Picture of Dr. Pedro Carvalho

Dr. Pedro Carvalho
Professor Dept. of Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology

Picture of Dr. Patrik Fauser

Dr. Patrik Fauser
Senior Researcher, Senior Scientist Dept. of Environmental Science

Picture of Dr. Markus Hecker

Dr. Markus Hecker
Professor School of Environment and Sustainability

Picture of Dr. Natacha Hogan

Dr. Natacha Hogan
Associate Professor Dept. Animal & Poultry Science

Picture of Dr. David Janz

Dr. David Janz
Professor Dept. of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences/Toxicology Centre

Picture of Dr. Tim Jardine

Dr. Tim Jardine
Associate Professor School of Environment and Sustainability/Toxicology Centre

Picture of Dr. Paul Jones

Dr. Paul Jones
Associate Professor School of Environment and Sustainability/Toxicology Centre

Picture of Dr. Karsten Liber

Dr. Karsten Liber
Professor School of Environment and Sustainability