Awards and Scholarships

Graduate Program

In addition to standard graduate scholarships and fellowships, the Toxicology Graduate Program and the Toxicology Undergraduate Program provide the following special awards opportunities to full-time students. Selection of recipients of the awards is made by the Toxicology Awards Committee in April of each year. The awards are typically presented at the Toxicology Group Annual General Meeting, which is generally held each May. A brief list of the awards and their dollar value is given below, followed by a more in-depth description and recent award winners.

 Graduate student awards

  • 75th Anniversary Scholarship ($20,000) - Entrance Scholarship
  • Student Support Fund
  • The Dr. Chatur Sisodia Graduate Scholarship ($1,000)
  • The H.B. (Bruno) Schiefer Student Travel Award (2 awards @ $500/each)
  • Toxicology Centre Poster Competition Award ($300, $200, $100)
  • Toxicology 990 Student Seminar Award
  • Toxicology Graduate Student's Association Travel Award ($500)



Annual Awards

The Dr. Chatur Sisodia Graduate Scholarship

The Dr. Chatur Sisodia Graduate Scholarship for 2023-2024 was awarded to Katie Roberts.  

The $1000 award recognises academic excellence in the field of toxicology and is a tribute to Dr. Chatur Sisodia, the first Academic Coordinator for the program.

H.B. Schiefer Graduate Student Travel Award

H.B. Schiefer Graduate Student Travel Awards were awarded to:

Mawuli Amekor - Fall/Winter Term (2023-24)

Hannah Mahoney - Winter/Spring Term (2023-24)

This award is intended to provide two travel grants of $500 each annually to a graduate student(s) in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Toxicology. Students must be presenting research findings from their University of Saskatchewan toxicology graduate work (in either platform or poster format) at a national or international scientific meeting in order to be eligible for the award. Selection will be based on a combination of academic standing, research progress and quality, and financial need.

Toxicology Centre Poster Competition Award

Each year preceding the Toxicology Group Annual General Meeting, students have an opportunity to present their research findings in poster format and offer a five-minute oral presentation on the material provided in their poster. Awards of $300 (first place), $200 (second place), and $100 (third place) are offered to students working towards an M.Sc. or Ph.D. in toxicology. Judging is focussed primarily on the quality of research material provided, the physical nature and overall appearance of the poster, and the clarity and conciseness of the oral presentation.

*NO POSTER COMPETITION was held in 2023-24*

Toxicology 990 TGSA Student Seminar Award

M.Sc. category (2023-2024)          

  • 1st Place: Hanna Ulmer
  • 2nd Place:  Will Muzyka

Ph.D. category (2023-2024)

  • 1st Place:  Phil Ankley
  • 2nd Place:  Hannah Mahoney

Toxicology Graduate Student's Association Travel Award

The 2023-2024 Toxciology Graduate Student Travel Award winner is:

Evan Kohlman, MSc Student

Scholarships for Incoming and Continuing Students

75th Annual Scholarship

This is an entrance scholarship available to both MSc and PhD students.


Applications shall consist of a CV, a 1-page statement of research intent by the student, 2 reference letters from former instructors/advisors, and unofficial transcripts to enable comparison against selection criteria.  Applications will be sent to the Toxicology Graduate Administrator.


  • Research ability and potential (50%)
  • Relevant experience and achievements obtained within and beyond academia (50%)

For more information please contact the Toxicology Graduate Administrator at 

Student Support Fund

This award funds half of a stipend and are given for 1 year only, but students may re-apply each year.  Applications are due by March 31 and decisions are made by the Toxicology Awards Committee by the middle of April for the next academic year beginning on May 1.


Eligibility for Toxicology graduate students with <8 months completed in graduate studies:

  1. Be registered as a full-time MSc or PhD student in the Toxicology Graduate Program.
  2. Have an academic standing of >80% for a combination of courses completed in the Toxicology Graduate Program and the last 60 credit units completed at the undergraduate level based on the following weighting. In the case of PhD students who already hold a MSc degree, their graduate course grades will be combined with the last 60 credit units of undergraduate courses.
  3. Actively participate in the TOX 990 seminar series (attendance kept) if student already in program.
  4. Not holding another full graduate scholarship or fellowship, or is not completing their graduate degree as part of paid external employment (salary >$30,000 per year).
  5. Must have the support of their supervisor(s).

Eligibility for Toxicology graduate students with 8 months completed in graduate studies:

  1. Be registered as a full-time M.Sc. or Ph.D. student in the Toxicology Graduate Program.
  2. Have a grade average of > 80% in courses taken at the graduate level, including courses outside of core toxicology graduate courses (e.g., statistics).
  3. Not holding another full graduate scholarship or fellowship, or is not completing their graduate degree as part of paid external employment (salary >$30,000 per year).
  4. Display active participation in Toxicology Graduate Program functions including activities organized by the Toxicology Graduate Student Association.
  5. Actively participated in the TOX 990 seminar series (attendance regular and presentation given in the recommended time).
  6. Cannot be in their MSc program longer than 3 years or their PhD program longer than 4 years (maximum 4 years in program for a student that transferred from MSc to PhD). Under exceptional circumstances, the Toxicology Awards Committee may grant a short extension to these time periods.
  7. Student support (formerly devolved) funding will be provided, if recommended by the awards committee, for a maximum of 24 months of funding for M.Sc. and 36 months of funding for Ph.D. students (M.Sc. candidates who transfer to a Ph.D. program are eligible for a maximum of 48 months of funding).

Applications will be sent to the Toxicology Manager of Finance & Operations. 


  • Academic excellence in toxicology or a related discipline, as judged by grade point average (GPA), academic awards and achievements.
  • Publications, presentations and previous awards of competitive scholarships or fellowships.
  • Leadership in Toxicology activities such as holding a position on the Toxicology Graduate Student’s association, community leadership or outstanding help within the Toxicology program.
  • Member of underrepresented and disadvantaged groups will be given priority.

For more information please contact the Toxicology Graduate Administrator at