Student Awards

Undergraduate Program

The Toxicology Undergraduate Program provides the following special awards to students. The awards are typically presented at the Toxicology Group Annual General Meeting, which is generally held each May. A brief list of the awards and their dollar value is given below, followed by a more in-depth description and recent award winners.

Undergraduate student awards

  • Fisher Scientific Toxicology Undergraduate Award for Academic Excellence ($500)
  • Fisher Scientific Toxicology Undergraduate Research Awards ($400 & $100)
  • Fisher Scientific Toxicology Undergraduate Seminar Awards (Winner $100)

Fisher Scientific Toxicology Undergraduate Award for Academic Excellence in Toxicology

This award is given each year to the student graduating from the Toxicology Undergraduate Program with the highest grade point average in their major courses. The award is in the amount of $500.

The 2023-2024 winner of the Fisher Scientific Toxicology Undergraduate Award for Academic Excellence is Clarenz Salvador.


Fisher Scientific Toxicology Undergraduate Research Awards

The Fisher Scientific Toxicology Undergraduate Research Awards are presented each year to the students who produce the best papers based on their TOX 480.3 or TOX 481.6 Honors Thesis Research projects. The awards are in the amount of $400 for 1st place and $100 for 2nd place.

1st place recipient of the 2023-24 Fisher Scientific Toxicology Undergraduate Research Award is Clarenz Salvador.

2nd place recipient of the 2023-24 Fisher Scientific Toxicology Undergraduate Research Award is Chloe Rawlings.

Fisher Scientific Barry Blakley Toxicology Undergraduate Seminar Awards

Formally called: Fisher Scientific Toxicology Undergraduate Seminar Awards

The Fisher Toxicology Undergraduate Seminar Awards are presented each year to the top student presentations in the Toxicology Seminar (TOX 490) course.  Awards are presented by Natacha Hogan, Undergraduate Academic Advisor and Summer Selinger, TOX 490 Instructor.

1st place recipient of the 2023-24 Fisher Scientific Toxicology Undergraduate Seminar Award is Chole Rawlings.  


2nd place recipient of the 2023-24 Fisher Scientific Toxicology Undergraduate Seminar Award is Jack Hamm.  

3rd place recipient of the 2023-24 Fisher Scientific Toxicology Undergraduate Seminar Award is Clarenz Salvador.


Presenters in 2024

1st place recipient for the 2022-23 Fisher Scientific Toxicology Undergraduate Poster Award is Clarenz Salvador.  Award presented by Adriana Brown, Undergraduate Secretary.